q l a m o u r ;;

thee way of life ..

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4 friends

About Me

name // kori
race // blk and wht ( ilook kinda asian or maybe korean )
aqe // does it matter ?
location // bridqeport ct
status // sinqle buh inlove
Gender Female
Location Bridgeport, CT
Interested in Men
Status It's complicated
Quotes ive been thru alot of shxt this year buh ihma keep my head up like my nose is bleedinq - ( weezy ] *

Contact Me

IM xo urbanGlAM, qlamxkidxo
Website myspace.com/qlamxkid


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Page views 6,679
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Group Member
Registered Mar 16, 2008
Last update Apr 13, 2009


Graphics 5
Scripts 16
Tutorials 6

Web Skills

HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Animation Shop, Windows